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Writer's pictureKaren Partridge

Tail Between My Legs!

What can I say - I’ve been chasing my tail and feeling pawrley! It’s been sooooo long since I wrote a blog it can hardly be called “the Daily Paw!” I can’t believe it is July already!

I won’t bore you with all the gory details of the chaos that has been my life this past while but suffice to say I have been very, very busy - mostly on private-life health matters - both my hubby and Dad were in hospital and needed surgery (worrying but now all on the mend), I came down with a party of Cicadas in both ears and a gate crashing Cricket in my right ear along with a weird dizziness thing that subsequently needed lots of tests. These included an ear balance test that made me projectile vomit (not a pretty sight for me or the audiologist - but frankly she had it coming - I did warn her and she kept on doing it anyway) along with an MRI - YES, I now have documented evidence there is a brain in there! Thankfully nothing sinister but WTF! No one can tell me the ‘cause but the dizziness has lessened. I have now also come down with Shingles (seriously NOT FUN - VERY PAINFUL) !!!!! Please Universe give me a break!

But wait there’s more…with that new pup of ours Whisky (AKA the Destructor!) which resulted in an overnight stay at the emergency vet and much grey hair for his Mama and Dada! Relieved to say he is fine but our bank balance not so good!!!

So please forgive the lack of blogs …it’s not that I don’t love you anymore….there’s just not been enough hours in my day!

If you have something specific you’d like me to Blog about please let me know and I will do what I can - either for the Daily Paw or the Juicy Steak!

Today’s blog is not only an apology but a special offer - book your spot for our Limited Edition Christmas In July Session (Monday 26th July for just $150 which includes a 20 min studio session, Composite Photoshop Christmas background, 5x7" print and corresponding digital file). If you mention the SECRET CODE: CHASING YOUR TAIL from this blog when you book I’ll give you and extra surprise gift! Easy Peasy!

Waggy Tails



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